Blake K. Browder

Blake Browder is driven to serve as an advocate: a passion that is enhanced by extensive experience in the fields of education, ministry, and healthcare. In addition to his financial responsibilities, he has served as an active member of the board of directors for over 10 years

and provides leadership as CEO and trustee of other affiliated healthcare ventures and trusts. His broad mental health background in business development, operations, and administration – along with his work with Stanford Graduate School of Business – has uniquely equipped him to contribute to Signet.
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Joy G. Figarsky

  • Finishing Final Search requirements this week and sending to Webonise
  • Finishing Deal Reg requirements next week to present to Webonise Coordinating with Allen in RTM to kickoff preliminary InfoSec and EA reviews ASAP (HUGE NEWS)
  • Working with Legal to finalize any requirements for Ts and Cs
  • Auth/SSO working just need to finalize up any branding or design requirements (Craig meeting with Melinda/Betsy)


  • Keeping auth as a risk for now until we get it through InfoSec approval. Really great progress made up to this point though
  • Requirements becoming a bottleneck--need to see where we can free up time for folks involved here to continue feeding these requirements to Webonise
  • Legal: could be some potential delays here if sweeping changes are needed to Ts and Cs both in the Partner Center and the app, particularly if they are not global but rather are regional.
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